Here is a partial list of things that I detest:
1) Washing dishes-I have a dishwasher but it's one of those that has wheels and you move it over to the sink and hook it up to the faucet. When I use it, I "forget" to unload the dishwasher. I don't mind messing up the dishes by eating, but I really don't like washing dishes.
2)Sweating-There is no way to look good and sweat. I've tried to take up running as a hobby, but I think the whole endorphin thing is a myth. Couple that with the intense amount of sweating that happens, and you can see why I hate it. I run because I want to lose weight. I hate sweating and keep deodorant in various places (home, purse, classroom) in the off chance I need it. I'm hot natured and live in the deep south-cut me some slack.
3) Snakes-There is no such thing as a "good" snake. I don't mind looking at them as long as there is a thick piece of glass between us. In my neck of the woods, coming into contact with snakes happens often. I shriek like a little girl when I see one.
4) Brussel Sprouts-These things taste horrible and smell even worse. I have tried them before and have never developed a tolerance for them.
5) Pokemon-I've collected more of these trading cards as contraband from students than I can count. I've seen little bits of the cartoon on tv and I'm still not impressed.
6) Flipping Eyelids Inside Out-This is gross. I've seen many a kid do this in hopes of getting a reaction out of me. I never leave them disappointed.
7) Used Band-Aids On The Ground-I know I'm not alone on this one! So gross I can't even begin to discuss it.
8) Yard Work Of Any Kind-When I was a kid I used to use my allergies as an excuse to not do yard work. It didn't work then. About 2 years ago I had extensive allergy testing done. I did not have a reaction to any of the outside elements they tested me for. There goes a perfect excuse.
9) Polictians And Politics In General-Honestly, some of this is due to the fact that I don't understand it all. The other reason is because I think that most politicians are dishonest. If you want to bore me to tears, turn C-Span on the television.
10) No Cable/Non-Working TV-The older I get, the more I love my television. I hate when some or all of the channels go out. I will sit and stare at the TV and beg it to fix itself.
11) Western Movies-They all look the same. Perhaps this is because the scenery never changes. The basic premise of all these westerns is the same. I've never seen a western I've liked.
12) Christmas Music And Christmas In General That Is Out Of Season-This is a weird one because during the Christmas season (for me that starts at Halloween) I listen exclusively to Christmas music and watch every Christmas movie I have several times.
13) Sports-I've not found any sport (with the exception of gymnastics and figure skating) that I fully understand and enjoy. The Good Lord blessed me with a husband who also is not interested in sports so we don't watch any games on TV.
14) Those Orange Circus Peanuts-What is this? Candy? Marshmallows? They taste horrible. Who invented these things and why are they called Circus Peanuts?
15) Swimming In Any Body Of Water That Isn't A Pool- I enjoy looking at the ocean. I don't like anything that lives in it. I've seen too many Shark Week shows. Swimming in anything other than a pool is like Russian Roulette. You can't see what's at the bottom and if you did, you'd be scared.
16) Rats/Mice-This is a weird one because I have a guinea pig as a classroom pet. I think mice in pet stores are very cute. I like gerbils and hampsters. However, if I see a mouse running around I will shriek like a little girl. When I lived in Key West, we had rats the size of chihuahuas that would crawl on the electric lines at night. They were enormous!
17) Not Taking A Shower- There have been a few times in my life when the pipes at the place I was staying froze and burst. Not having water is a bad thing. Outside of not being able to flush toliets and wash hands, I don't like how I feel when I haven't showered and washed my hair. If it ever happens to me again, I'm sure you won't enjoy this one either-especially if we bump into each other.
18) Paper Cuts- I get these all the time and they hurt! It takes awhile to even know exactly where they feel the pain but there's no trail of blood to follow.
19) Vomit- I'm a mother so I've gotten better at this one. Before Raelynn, if I saw someone vomit (this happens a lot when you teach) I would vomit with them in sympathy.
20) Dial-Up- This one is the thorn in my side. I live in the country and apparently there's no way to get high speed internet at my house. It makes my online travels difficult. Have you ever tried to watch a YouTube video with Dial Up? I don't suggest it.
There are lots of other things that bug me....notice that I didn't mention anything about people...that would be a post a mile long.
That's a post for another day.
Not giving up.
15 hours ago
We detest a number of the same things--snakes, rats, Brussel sprouts, vomitus, and circus peanuts. Nasty and repulsive, all of them. I never thought about used bandages, but they would be a disgusting sight.
OMG! I think I could have written the same list. Except I don't mind yard work too much, other than it making me sweat. I'm one of those crazy people that like circus peanuts, but there's a sentimental attachment. I'm kinda surprised that you don't like to swim in the ocean as long as you lived in Key West. I know dial up sucks so bad, I was so happy when we got DSL. Are you able to use the internet much at school or is it monitored / restricted? You're always welcome to come by and use the DSL at my place if you want.
wow...I didnt know that we dislike so many of the same things...the ONLY thing that I dont agree with you on is sports. I love sports...I will choose watching sports over watching a movie...haha :)
oh, and I dont mind swimming in the ocean..but I dont go very far out unless the water's fairly clear that day!
A curse on anyone who drops a used bandaid and does not retrieve it.
HAHA this is a great list!!! i'd have to agree with you on multiple things on the list!!
thanks for dropping by my blog! i will have to add you to my blog list! : )
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