I've been busy. This is the story of my life. The alternative (death) doesn't sound so good, so I'm going to be thankful that I have lots of people and things in my life. I am grateful, but also curious....how can I get everything done that needs to be done?
Things currently on my to-do-list:
*grade papers
*make southwestern salad and rueben casserole for David's family reunion tomorrow
*go to David's family reunion tomorrow
*grade papers
*go to the MSU/Georgia Tech football game with Kathy, my dad, and my nephew
*try not to upset Kathy by implying in any way, shape, or form that MSU may lose the game
*grade papers
*wash clothes
*fold clothes
*put clothes away
*grade papers
*watch the three Netflix movies that have been sitting on my coffee table for two weeks
*start studying for my mid-term exam
*start working on the impending comp questions
*did I mention grading papers?
Love you guys but I gotta go and make the food for tomorrow. I'll do it while watching "Project Runway." I love this show!
Just don’t be a dick
4 days ago
✔ yes
and again i say, you work TOO MUCH. give yourself a break sometime! you deserve it!
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